Apply for credit card online and you could have a Barclaycard Platinum card with Balance Transfer offering 0% introductory interest-free rates on purchases for three months and on balance transfers for 12 months from account opening. Remember to make your minimum payments on time each month and stay within your credit limit, otherwise your outstanding balance will revert to your standard rate. Balance transfers are subject to a handling fee of 3.0%. That's not all; apply for credit card online with Barclaycard as we offer a tailored credit limit. All credit cards may seem the same, but if your credit card application with Barclaycard is approved, you'll have a card that really stands out.
12.4% APR typical :
Choose Barclaycard Platinum for your credit card application and you may be eligible for 0% introductory interest-free rates on purchases and on balance transfers from account opening. Remember to make your minimum payments on time each month and stay within your credit limit, otherwise your outstanding balance will revert to your standard rate. Balance transfers are subject to a handling fee of 3.0%.
That's not all; complete your credit card application with Barclaycard as we offer a tailored credit limit.